The 1602 A.D. Island Editor is a program written by Sir Henry and tested by Linde, Pinguin, Gido, St.Gerner, and other 1602 fans. It can be used to modify the islands of the game 1602 A.D. from Sunflowers and to create own islands. Version 1.2 can be downloaded from

The Island Editor is freeware and was given life only by pure pleasure in programming.

As quick reference we absolutely recommend the Tutorial by Guardian. The basics for the creation of own islands are explained there step by step, and better than this can be achieved by a manual. But even advanced island designers may still find there new possibilities and hints for efficient work with the Island Editor.

Here is a screenshot of the editor combining the islands "Deathvalley" by Joe and "Xidani" by Budgie:

Island Editor Screenshot
